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Charity foundation team training with Ambassador Oleksiy Novikov

Charity foundation team training with Ambassador Oleksiy Novikov

Friends! We want to share with you our charitable and sports achievements. Our Ambassador Oleksiy Novikov organized a charitable sports training for the team of the "New Time for Ukraine" Charity Fund. It was a real test of both endurance and joint results.

The training consisted of several stages, which we all successfully completed together. The Ukrainian strongman has prepared an interesting program for us - from warm-up and various medium-weight exercises to strongman strength exercises in the final part.

Oleksiy Novikov is the Strongest Man in the world and he helped us understand the main thing - we have very strong and hardy men who can lift a ball weighing 100 kilograms almost from the first time! We are very grateful to our Ambassador for such an interesting and exciting team building, which we will remember for a long time.

It was very cool! Of course, we were tired at the end of the training, but we were 100 percent satisfied. This training was primarily carried out for a charitable purpose.

Oleksiy launched a fundraising for drones for our military, selected three winners for the best donation in an honest vote, who were also supposed to train together with the team of the Charitable Fund. As a result, we have a good result - we have fundraised for 3 FPV drones! The important thing is that our team held a great sports event, where it became clear to everyone that together we are a FORCE!

Time to act: Let's join forces to help the military and veterans!

Current Charity Projects

We are fundraising for 1500 sets of FPV drones for Military Intelligence
21 000 000 ₴
805 193 ₴
All for the Sake of Life!

We are fundraising for 1500 sets of FPV drones for Military Intelligence