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National Anthem Day of Ukraine
10 March 2025

We will lay down our soul and body for our freedom
And show that we are brothers of the Cossack race!
Today we celebrate the National Anthem Day of Ukraine!
The National Anthem is one of the three main symbols of our state, along with the yellow-blue flag and the coat of arms of Ukraine
The musical work “Ukraine is Not Dead Yet” was created in 1862 by composer Mykhailo Verbytsky to the words of the poet Pavlo Chubynsky. It was first performed on March 10, 1865 in the Polish city of Przemysl on the Shevchenko anniversary.
After gaining independence, in early January 1992, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the musical version, and on March 6, 2003, it adopted the Law "On the National Anthem of Ukraine".